"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God". Philippians 4:6.


WCCM Prayer Ministry

WCCM Prayer Team are Anointed, Spirit-filled, Prayer warriors who have been called to stand in the gap for those who are in need of prayer.  The team mentors, educates, and nurtures believers in order to help them grow in their ability to hear GOD and pray in HIS will in their lives. 

WCCM Prayer Team pray for every request that is received until the prayer is answered.  The team meets every Wednesday at 7 PM  to pray for the needs of the community, church and individuals; as well as pray for all online prayer requests. 

Prayer Mission Statement

We believe in the awesome power of prayer and the Omnipotence of God.  "For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

We believe divine healing exist today. The bible serves as a scriptural witness to the countless of miraculous healing in the Gospel and testifies to the greatness of God.  The blind was made to see (John 9:1-7), and the lame to walk (Acts 3:1-10).

We believe we are called to be instruments of healing and set free those who are afflicted physically, mentally and emotionally.  We are called to bear witness to fact that God continues to heal even today.  We must proclaim the fact that God reigns and rules by unexplainable, undeniable and healing powers. 

God delights in answering our prayers.  There is nothing that God loves more than to give us the desires of our heart.  We can go to the father, just as we are, and give him all of our problems, anxieties, fears. The bible tells us " Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7.  God is concerns about even the smallest things.   

Our prayer warriors are ready to do war on your behalf.   We would like to pray for you!  Call or send us your prayer request. 

 "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16.


Oh what peace we often forfeit; what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry; everything to God in prayer

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