Welcome to World Changers Christian Ministry



Our mission is to help connect people to faith and to build relationships with believers and nonbelievers in order to communicate the Gospel message.

We seek to cultivate Christ likeness and reproduce ministries that will serve the greater good of our church, community and the world. 

Core Values


  • We lead out of authenticity and acceptance, showing everyone we meet how to build a relationship with God through prayer and fellowship.


  • We evangelize and make disciples that would actively engage with nonbelievers throughout the world and communicate the gospel. We want to reach the people where they are using the technology available to us.


  • We create a community around the world beyond the walls of the church that fosters fellowship and gives people the power to transform within themselves and stand strong in
    their faith and their walk with Christ.


  • Unlike most traditional churches, we believe in building people from all walks up spiritually rather than rejecting them. No matter who they are or where they are in life, we will welcome them with open arms and embolden them to pursue their faith.